Karol Speaks Up

Welcome to my special internet place, where I like to express myself and talk about my opinions and feelings. ACCEPT ME... for what I am. No... you need not agree with me; but Accept Me. For I am total in being. I have my faults, I have my guilts; but that is who I am. Perfect I will never be. Allow me to be uninhibited. Do not pressure me into feeling what I do not feel. Do not put me down... nor make me unhappy about me. I am I. And I like being what I am... ME. (Larry Chengges)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

No More Coffee...

It's been one of the hardest things to do... to give up coffee. I was not a heavy coffee drinker; but I loved to have a 12 oz. cup of half-decaf and half-regular coffee every day. At times I also had an 8 oz. cup of just regular. I also enjoyed Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee (particularly on hot days). Well, those days are over... I've decided to be honest with myself and realize that it's really not a good thing for me. The truth is, no matter what they say (since they come up with new studies every day, sometimes condemning and sometimes praising this drink) coffee is not a good thing. I've been in denial for a long time (many years), convincing myself that I need a little bit of caffeine (from coffee) every day, to feel more alert and energized, to get more creative, to enjoy, etc. I personally have a problem drinking it. It's a very acidic drink and can easily upset your digestive system. It also affects the functioning of your adrenal glands. Coffee is an irritant and a stimulant that releases "stress hormones" and also raises your blood sugar levels very rapidly; in a little while, after drinking it, you crash and crave for more, or crave for sweets or carbs (at least this happens to me). It's been proven that it raises your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure; and now that I'm passing through the "great middle age" stage in my life, my cholesterol and triglycerides levels are very high, so I need to do something about it, unfortunately. Coffee can make you feel irritable, nervous and moody too. So yes, I've decided to stay away from coffee! I'll try to be strong! I've done this before, I've been on no coffee and no carbs diets before - I can do this! I never drank coffee when I was pregnant with my daughters (no sodas, and no caffeine at all!)

How hard it is to give up something you love... Especially, I think, since I grew up in coffee-growing countries; my grandparents, both from my father's and my mother's side had coffee farms in Costa Rica. I grew up drinking coffee with boiled milk (Latin American style) from a very young age - a tradition in Central and South American countries. We had coffee with our breakfast, coffee after lunch and coffee at around 4 PM with a snack (or baked goods). I probably was completely dehydrated, and didn't even know it; since I drank more coffee than water. And we lived in Barranquilla, Colombia, with temperatures of 90 plus degrees every day, for many years (13) and then moved to San Jose, Costa Rica (where I was born) - with milder weather - but still a drink of choice for most Costa Ricans and especially my family.

Well, so now I have to find a substitute drink that I can enjoy, but with health benefits. I'm trying Green Tea, Rooibos Tea, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, and soon will try "Dandelion Coffee." I recently read that Dandelion Coffee is a very good alternative, according to the information found online, it's a very healthy drink (not really coffee) made from the roasted roots of Dandelion plants. Funny that in my Teens Self Help Blog I wrote about the benefits and versatility of dandelions. Well, I will visit my Health Food Store soon and will try this so-called coffee that is not really coffee and see how I like it. For right now, I'll continue committed to stay away from coffee and sodas and will try my best to drink more water and some of the teas that for right now have a "good reputation." And of course, I will remember that water is still the best drink of all (I hope) ... Wish me luck!

Update (November 6, 2012) - I completely eliminated coffee for many months and then started drinking decaf coffee. Now, I treat myself to real coffee once in a while, while also drinking Oolong Tea and other herbal teas. But I cannot resist a good Capuchino once in a while! I know I do have to limit caffeine though, I can feel extra achiness if I overindulge.