Karol Speaks Up

Welcome to my special internet place, where I like to express myself and talk about my opinions and feelings. ACCEPT ME... for what I am. No... you need not agree with me; but Accept Me. For I am total in being. I have my faults, I have my guilts; but that is who I am. Perfect I will never be. Allow me to be uninhibited. Do not pressure me into feeling what I do not feel. Do not put me down... nor make me unhappy about me. I am I. And I like being what I am... ME. (Larry Chengges)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"The Art of Life-2"

A while back (14 years ago) I was following a van with the title "The Art of Life" on the back of the vehicle. I've seen ambulances with this name also, like I said back in July 2010. I still feel that it is a great title! It makes me think, even now, that "Life is Art"... it is up to us to create our best life with optimism and a positive attitude. We are the creators, the architects of our lives. I deeply believe in the powers of the mind, what we put in there matters! We need to be careful to not fill our minds with negative and defeating thoughts. Let us fill our minds with healthy thoughts. Yes, we can do it! We have to believe that no matter what, all will be well. 

I have lived my life with this attitude. If a job no longer serves me, I move on to the next fulfilling job. I know that we all have challenges at times, even serious ones. I have had my share of health challenges. But I'm still convinced in the power of our attitudes towards life; positive and negative attitudes and thoughts make a difference. So we must be careful and be aware of our attitudes towards everything. We cannot get discouraged! We have the support of our family and friends; and if not, we have to find some form of support. Find time to reflect, to pay attention to your thoughts... and to live one day at a time! You don't have to be religious or spiritual, you just have to pay attention to your defeating and negative thoughts and get rid of them! Voice or write down positive thoughts to cancel out the negative ones. Start believing and loving yourself. Walk in nature... find the things you are grateful for (write them down), and focus on the positive, your talents and gifts, the beauty and the good of the world. Do not despair! Remember how beautiful you are! Walk with your head held high... and never, never feel like a victim! We can learn to be peaceful and change our mental attitudes. We can fill our minds with creative and healthy thoughts!

I believe in reading books, websites, and quotes that inspire me. We need to nurture our soul. Inspiration is like nutrition, like Norman Vincent Peale used to say (he popularized the concept of positive thinking and wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking" which I read years ago). He said, "Motivation is like nutrition. It must be taken daily and in healthy doses to keep it going." He also wrote, "I recommend a mind-emptying at least twice a day, more often if necessary. Definitely practice emptying your mind of fears, hates, insecurities, regrets, and guilt feelings. The mere fact that you consciously make this effort to empty your mind tends to give relief." Find the book in PDF format here: https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/support-files/the-power-of-positive-thinking.pdf.

Music is also extremely important. Find music that you like and love and inspires you, experiment, and listen to music every day. Music cheers us up. I hope you try your best to stay motivated, to stay in love with your life. Let us try to find ways to remain inspired and strong, to never give up!

“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ...get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.”  Abraham Joshua Heschel

"Just to be is a blessing. Just to be is holy."  Abraham Joshua Heschel

“It's always too soon to quit!” ― Norman Vincent Peale

“Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate.” 

― Norman Vincent Peale

“Optimism, when applied to your life, develops strength and peace within you.” ― Norman Vincent Peale

"The secret is to fill your mind with thoughts of faith, confidence and security. This will force out or expel all thoughts of doubt, all lack of confidence." ― Norman Vincent Peale

"Repeat—slowly, bringing out the melody in each—a series of calming words: Peace, tranquility, serenity, quietness…” ― Norman Vincent Peale

“Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something special in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only the best, be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.” ― Norman Vincent Peale


Check the previous blog on The Art of Life here:
(or under Previous Posts on the right side of this blog)


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