Karol Speaks Up

Welcome to my special internet place, where I like to express myself and talk about my opinions and feelings. ACCEPT ME... for what I am. No... you need not agree with me; but Accept Me. For I am total in being. I have my faults, I have my guilts; but that is who I am. Perfect I will never be. Allow me to be uninhibited. Do not pressure me into feeling what I do not feel. Do not put me down... nor make me unhappy about me. I am I. And I like being what I am... ME. (Larry Chengges)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

"Law of Attraction"

It seems that lately many books, magazines, articles, and websites are emphasizing and explaining the so-called "Law of Attraction." What is this law? Why is it so important?

Here's my take on it, summarizing everything I've read and trying my best to explain what I understand of this "law." We attract to us what we FEEL and what we THINK; we attract to us experiences and things depending on our energy output - the energy (positive or negative) that radiates from within us... Are we always worrying about things? Are we having too many doubts or too many negative thoughts? Are we insecure? Let's pay attention to those thoughts and those feelings that invade us every day, every minute of our days, everyday of our lives; because they do make a difference in what happens to us, what we experience - they affect us in a negative or positive way. They change our reality. Basically, the "Law of Attraction" states that we are responsible for creating our own life; we are responsible for the consequences of our actions, intentions, thoughts and feelings. Even Emerson said: "A man is what he thinks about all day long."

If we feel a "lack" of something in our life (money, love, health, happiness, success, etc.); if all we think about is how much we lack, how much we don't have, how we can never and will never have or achieve something due to one reason or another - that's the reality we create. Then, we will always lack those things we want and desire, because that's how we think and feel. Deep inside we feel we don't deserve those things that are important to us. We may feel like "victims" in this life: it's always someone else's fault that we cannot achieve success, happiness, serendipity...

Wayne Dyer writes in Manifest Your Destiny: "You don't attract what you want. You attract what you are." Also, before attaining "bliss" we must learn to love ourselves; honoring, respecting, and valuing who we are. We have to learn to feel good about WHO WE ARE. We have to learn to JUST BE... and stop being our worst enemy, always putting ourselves down and allowing others to put us down, as well.

According to Michael Losier, author of Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What you Want and Less of What you Don't "it is imperative that people put forth positive energy and feelings of already having achieved their goals." You must believe in your desires, he states. Another important step is allowing: "Allowing is simply the absence of negative vibration and doubt is a negative vibration." "You must remove all doubt that what you want will be true."

My favorite Rabbi, Simon Jacobson from the Meaningful Life Center (www.meaningfullife.com), wrote: "your life will be determined by your attitude." Also: "The secret to success in the New Year is to not empower the weak forces that drive fear into our hearts. But to empower your own soul; to recognize that you have within yourself all the necessary strength to fulfill your life's mission. To realize that things don't happen to you; you make things happen. You don't 'find yourself' in situations; you place yourself in them... No matter what happens this year, whatever ups and downs will be coming our way, your destiny will be shaped by your attitudes; you will experience exactly what you allow yourself to experience: You will either be dragged down by the gravitational pull of the earth that you worship, or you will be lifted on the wings of your soul that you believe in."

Affirmations are important too - positive affirmations (short positive statements) - check: http://www.vitalaffirmations.com/ affirmations.htm and also living in "gratefulness" ("thankfulness"). We have to be grateful for the good things we have in our life NOW; we have to learn to appreciate the important things we already have (important milestones we have accomplished and important lessons we have learned) and look forward to the many more awesome experiences, lessons and things that will come to us and our loved ones in our future, because we deserve the best!

Whether you believe in the "Law of Attraction" or not, just try you best to live and lead a positive life, without concentrating so much on the "negative stuff." Yes, there are too many negative things and negative people in this world already - we don't have to add any more negativity into our own world. Learning to become a "positive person" should be one of our greatest challenges. Read positive books, motivate and inspire yourself; make a commitment to bring only good things into your life. You can do it! Let's remember that we affect others (and ourselves) with our negative or positive feelings, moods, attitudes, thoughts... Once we reject all those negative messages that come to us from relatives, friends, TV, movies, the media, etc. and learn to stand strong and believe in ourselves, only positive outcomes will result. Let's pay attention then to our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our attitudes and let's keep a positive outlook on life. I wish you all the BEST! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!

Check: http://successfulliving.digitalpubfor.me/ - it's a great magazine! Enjoy!


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