Karol Speaks Up

Welcome to my special internet place, where I like to express myself and talk about my opinions and feelings. ACCEPT ME... for what I am. No... you need not agree with me; but Accept Me. For I am total in being. I have my faults, I have my guilts; but that is who I am. Perfect I will never be. Allow me to be uninhibited. Do not pressure me into feeling what I do not feel. Do not put me down... nor make me unhappy about me. I am I. And I like being what I am... ME. (Larry Chengges)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Hidden Poisons"

Like many Americans and other people in this world, I've been consuming "Artificial Sweeteners" for a long time trying to stay away from the so-called "Refined Sugars". You read everywhere about the dangers of Diabetes and about how bad simple sugars and carbohydrates are for your health. I don't think I overdo it; but I do put Sweet'N Low, Splenda or Equal in many of my drinks (coffee or iced-tea). I also select, at times, "Diet" sodas or drinks. For quite some time I've been noticing that I'm having unusual palpitations and pain in my joints. I wake up with my heart pounding at times and after drinking something with "Aspartame", especially, I can feel my heart going nuts. I also feel "funny" - like something is not right. So, I decided to do a little research and discovered that "Artificial Sweeteners" can cause a great number of symptoms - one of them "heart palpitations", another one "joint pains". Just because something doesn't have calories, doesn't mean that it is healthy for us. If we're trying to lose weight or eat healthier (and be "healthier"), we should definitely stay away from these dangerous substances.

Check the following sites for more information: www.spice-of-life.com,www.doorway.com, www.holisticmed.com and www.vegsource.com, and do your own research. You'll be surprised about the findings, and maybe even a little scared too. I'm now committed to eliminating "Artificial Sweeteners" from my diet, at all costs. I’ll use Stevia or Xylitol instead (see "Update" below).

"Stevia" is a natural plant from South America. Read more about it at: http://www.stevia.net. Ironically the FDA once labeled this natural product "dangerous". The public health threats are all the other "Artificial Sweeteners" not "Stevia". Then again, decide wisely and eat everything in "moderation". Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to learn what's really good for us; since there are so many contradictory reports. One day a study says that one thing is healthy, the next day another study says that that same thing is unhealthy...

No matter what, let's pay more attention to our bodies and to how we feel, and especially to what we are putting in our mouths. "Artificial Sweeteners" are actually more dangerous than sugar, who would have guessed? We put so much trust on certain companies and on the FDA that sometimes we even question our common sense. We cannot believe that something so popular is actually a poison for our systems. Let's wise up and inform ourselves more, before we do what everybody does or eat what everybody eats.

I will stay away from these chemical ingredients (I know how hard it is, they are everywhere!). Usually doctors don't even consider the possibility that these sweeteners are causing the strange symptoms that we feel. If we complain of certain pains and rare symptoms, they just think we're exaggerating or just plain crazy.


UPDATE - APRIL 2009: I recently discovered a new natural sweetener called Xylitol. Believe it or not I heard the name in one of my dreams (as weird as this sounds, it is the truth). I woke up remembering this word, and kept repeating it to myself - I didn't want to forget it. I was curious and wanted to find out what it meant in Google.com. Xylitol is an amazing sweetener. It was discovered in Finland after World War II when the country was having a sugar shortage. Read more about it at: www.xylitolnaturalsweetener.com, www.xlear.com or www.theultimatelife.com. Look for more information on your favorite search engine. I'm using it now. I prefer the xylitol from birch trees than the one from corn cobs, it tastes better - just like regular sugar! It is a very healthy sweetener that kills bacteria, prevents osteoporosis and doesn't raise your blood sugar levels. The only negative thing is that it is expensive (especially compared to regular sugar) - but the benefits outweigh the expense.


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